
National Do Not Call Registry

Register and get on the "do not call" list for 5 years. It's free.


Growing up

After lunch we're off to enroll Charleigh in Kindergarten. Could this be possible? I just got out of kindergarten last week. Kaleb is going into 2nd grade next year. I clearly remember 2nd grade. Mrs. Gillespie taught us cursive. She also told us if we looked at the little cross-eyed girl on the playground that our eyes would cross like hers. I'm sure she just didn't want us to stare but I'm equally convinced this made it difficult for the little girl to make friends. Hence why for years she was known only as the little cross-eyed girl. Also the reason we ran away anytime she stepped foot on the playground.


The Official rules of Calvinball.

I love calvinball


Charleigh's Chat: God makes good Men

More insights from my Charleigh

Nae-Nae's World: A Poem For Jami


Feeling weak today:

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.2 Corinthians 12:9-10;

Not exactly delighting in my weakness today.


Photo Friday: Soft

Photo Friday: Soft

When Kaleb met Ethan.

Happy Birthday Kaleb

My baby is 7 years old today!


Oklahoma City National Memorial

I ment to mention this on Tuesday.

As a senior in a small Oklahoma highschool I remember watching the events unfold on a small tv rolled into Mrs. Spakes biology class.

I will never forget.

Changing Google Ads

I've noticed since the "Bad Idea" post my google ads have been about ______ bags. I'm testing to see if I can change it with this post.

Chocolate Pie Chocolate Cake Chocolate Milk Chocolate Hair Chocolate bar Chocolate Coffee Chcolate Chocolate Chocolate, Cocoa, Espresso, Latte, Gevallia, Caramell, vanilla, yummy

Coca Cola, Dr Pepper, Pepsi, Sprite,
Kites, baseballs, bicycle, books, phones, frames, chocolate frames, hand lotion, bottled water. Food TV. Cable costs too much. Chest pain. Uggg. Hungry. Caffeine. Do they make good insurance companies? Dry Skin. Nail polish remover. Customer Service. Little Sisters Singing. Big Sisters dancing. Little Brothers Running. Ballet Doctors with facy pink castles.

NOT a good idea!

There are good ideas and bad ideas. . .This was NOT a good idea!

I heard Charleigh's muffled yell coming from the living room. She yelled "I'm stuck, my hair is stuck." I slowly made my way, what could she possibly be stuck in? Then I saw a puff of hair sticking out of the Sam's Cooler bag. The look on her two brothers faces confirmed my suspicion. Charleigh was in the bag. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I struggled to unzip the bag as various "motherly" statements poured out my mouth. "What were you thinking!?!" "Why do you do these things?" "Go to your room!" "Hold still!" But the phrase I kept repeating was "This was Not a good idea!"

After a few minutes we had the bag unzipped a half way. Whew, I knew my baby could at least breath. It was at this time as I relaxed I realized Charleigh had been laughing the entire time. A sliver of humor slipped into the picture (only a sliver) that's when I took the first picture. Working quickly but carefully we finally got her out. As Joshua completed her rescue I took the last two pictures. As you can see the entire episode didn't phase her a bit.

We have since sat down and discussed the danger of getting in coolers, refrigerators, freezers, and yes even insulated bags from Sams. She also has found that "Kaleb made me do it" doesn't fly, and Kaleb has learned that "but She wanted to" doesn't either. Meanwhile after seeing the pictures Joshua is sure that he is the hero of the world!


Remember Ava Marie Cadeau

Karla began her pregnancy blog in October, since then she has posted many updates sharing her experiences as an expecting mommy. Last Thursday she finally gave birth to her little one. Ava was born at 2:11 PM and Passed away at 9:30 that same evening. Today is the memorial for Ava. Please pray for this family as they remember their little girl.
(note to my friends and family, this is not Karla Leathers. This is Karla Caduau: here is her blog.)


Pope Joe

A prayer for you!

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge–that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:14-21;

To know the Love of God is to be filled with the fullness of Him. Can you imagine? To be filled with ALL the fullness of God? That is my desire! Not just more of Him but all of Him!

If we really comprehended the Love we would never doubt the Lover. To know the love of God! When we know that love, actually grasp that love, then we will know Him. I want to know Him!


Still Mommy

Charleigh comes in to the Kitchen and announces "Mother, I'm not going to call you Mama anymore I'm just going to call you Mom". As she ran out of the room the lyrics "Another one bites the dust" ran through my head.

Kaleb once made this announcement and for a year now I have been either "Mom" or "Mother". While it seems like no big deal it is the beginning of more to come. How soon till they don't want hugs and kisses in front of their friends or their embarrassed when I hold their hand to cross the street.

While still contemplating these upcoming changes, not 30 seconds after her announcement my Charleigh races into the kitchen: "Mommy, look at my picture I drew!"
Ahh ha! I'm still Mommy!


How to Read the Bible

I've written a rather lengthy Who, What When, Where, Why, and How to read the Bible for beginners. Rather than posting the entire thing, I'm including a link.

News Channel 10: Paige's Winning Picture


Fun Fun
Joshua says "Wow, I am so WOW!"


JellyBelly.com - The Official Site of Jelly Belly Candy Co.

Mmmm my favorite!


Highly Worthy

My value is not defined by your view of me. It is not even determined by my own self-image. Nor do my triumphs or failures affect the appraisal of my worth.

In an auction the highest bidder determines an item’s price. What someone is willing to pay defines the worth. Look what Christ has paid for me, I am Highly Worthy!

You may say to yourself, “I don’t deserve God’s love”, and you are right. Thank God that our salvation is not based on what we "deserve" but what we are "worth" to him. It is by His grace that we are rescued; by his love that we are made worthy. Who are you to decide your own value? God is your creator; He formed you in your mother’s womb. He has already decided what you are worth and his Son has already paid the price. You are highly worthy!

The above thoughts were inspired by a sermon preached yesterday by John Hunter. In his message he spoke on many truths; I look forward to sharing more of them with you soon.


At the Park

Look Mom, no training wheels!

Joshua can ride too!

At the Lake

Father and Sons

(We missed Charleigh.)



Thanks to Appie for Lunch, Bday Cake and party
Thanks to Nae for the presents and coming to my party.
Thanks to Michelle for the frame and the party, and letting us come to your house.
Thanks to Mom for driving to town to come to my party and for the cute pink flipflops
Thanks to Dad and Mom for the necklace. Love it!
Thanks to Julie for the flowers, gifts and party. You are a very sweet sis!
Thanks to Amy for the book, fabulouso!
Thanks to Charleigh for the hug!
Thanks to Sarah for the Birthday Latte
Thanks to Sami for the phone call
Thanks to Amy G. for the phone call.
Thanks to Meme for the phone call.
Thanks to Judy for the phone call.
Thanks to Dorthy for the card.
Thanks to Kurt buying ice and tortillas.
I love my friends and family!

Janae weighs 126.5 pounds


A little bit of nice.

Thats all I want just a little bit. . .

Oh Happy Day!

This Birthday has unlimited potential to get better throughout the rest of the day. Starting out this crummy I have faith that it will only get better! Oh happy day! And with nothing encouraging, funny, or even interesting to say I send you to the illustrious gentlewhisper, my dearest twin sis, who at this moment in blogging history has a better attitude than me.Recent Ramblings: 28 Happy Birthday Amy!


Precious Moments


Firefox - Rediscover the web

This blog looks awful on Internet Explorer. I encourage you to experience Firefox. You too Dad.

Charleigh's Chat

My baby girl is so precious!


More Links


GentleWhisper.com - by Amy Maxwell

I recently was informed that I am now on GentleWhisper's front page and that it would be a good idea if I wrote something. No time to write so I'll link you to some previous posts:

A Father's Love
"Am I OK?"
A Prayer is. . .
Sacrifice a Moment
Blowing Bubbles

As soon as things settle down, I've got to tell you about a "sister made of playdoh" and Ahh "The Secret to Understanding the Bible"




Prayer Requests

I would love to pray for you! Please submit prayer requests in the comments section. If you have a private need you may email me at this address.



Please pray for me.

Louvre Museum Official Website

Oh for the days when chubby was attractive in a woman. Today as you struggle to reach the unobtainable goal of physical perfection put on us by tv, movies, and magazines remember that in the 1700's the dimples in your butt would have been considered a pleasing attribute.

Photo of Joshua